Monday, October 28, 2019

creatives - the seller of unusual ideas

There is an idea - eat bread

Become a "generator" of ideas is not so difficult, you can take on freelance-agencies, offices, clubs, organizations, festivals and so on. D. Special skills and prestigious education is unlikely to require, you will need to show themselves in the field of original ideas. With each successful operation of the price of your thoughts will rise, and the demand for them increases. This is a creative and interesting work in which every idea can materialize in the very real monetary units.
"Underwater rocks"

Big pluses:

 fairly simple type of income that does not require physical exertion;
 ulug price growth depends on you;
 creative development and self-realization;
 can come into contact with influential people, and it is accordingly useful contacts;
 free schedule and the possibility of full independence;
 Age and experience are of little importance.

Bright cons:

 you only pay for the actual result;
 possible lack of social safety nets and the traditional career ladder;
 a lot of competition and fight for the place;
 In some cases, there is no guarantee a permanent and fixed s / n;
 no idea - no money.

Where the idea of ​​paying for ...

Despite the many positive aspects to sell his idea is quite difficult and problematic, and "buying" places not so much.

Naming. In this kind of cases it is necessary to come up with names for companies, mottos and slogans, commercially interesting domain names and so on. Such activities can be practiced as freelance-sites and in various agencies. To work in such classes must be flexible thinking, competition, market knowledge, and a pretty good "reading."

Holidays and corporate parties. Number of original ideas and ideas, to the Agency for organizing festivities, decreases with each passing year. New and original ideas will be perceived very positively in the case of a successful execution of the order, your reward will be high. To work in such agencies need not only a high stretch of imagination, but also common sense. You should understand that the implementation of the proposed ideas should be simple and commercially viable.

"Just" the idea. This kind of classes do not have clear boundaries and area of ​​activity is very extensive. Among the options: the creation of original ideas in business scenarios for cartoons / productions, creation of advertising banners and stretch marks (ideas) and more. Typically, you can find a job through a friend, on a thematic and commercial web resources and creative agencies. For the activity, you must have imagination, new ideas and knowledge of the potential market.
General conclusion

creatives work is complex and simple at the same time, and also requires you to creativity and flexible way of thinking. Earnings at different ideas can be quite large, but it is very easy to lose. On the market of such number of competitors is increasing and requires you to the presence of truly original ideas. On the other hand, this kind of activity develops the creative abilities and personal qualities, providing some good finances. This is the true work of the seller ideas - a choice only you do.

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